Assalamu alaikum Wr.Wb. Pada kesempatan kali ini, saya membuat sebuah spoof text yang sangat pendek atau sangat singkat namun tetap lucu. Begini spoof textnya.
One day, I woke up early. I went to school at 6 am. After
arrive at school, there is nobody at school. My class was locked. I was waiting
until 7 am, but nobody came. I thought there is a disaster attack my school,
but everything is normal. In the next 30 minutes, I Call my friend and i asked
“where are you”, “at home” he said. “why you don’t go to school?” “I want to
sleep” he said and close my call. After calling many friends, but no answer, i
became psimistic. In my mind, maybe there are some mafia want to go to my
school. After thinking a lot, i decided to go to my principal house. When i
arrived, my principal still sleep. His wife woke him up. After woke up, i ask
him “why there is nobody go to school, include you sir?”. “It’s Sunday” he said
with laughing
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