example of description paragraphs

 example of description paragraphs

Acceleration class is the only class in SMA Negeri 1 Sengkang. Accelerated classes is transformed into a multimedia laboratory accelerated classes. Therefore, in this class a lot of electronic items such as computers, LCD focus, air conditioning, and cables. In each table there is a computer that serves a small portion so as to make the learning process becomes disrupted. Number of computers in the classroom as much as 19. 18 computers for students and one for the computer operator. There are several types of cable in this class such as UTP cable, cable for power supply, and a VGA cable. Cables are often trampled and scattered disturbing comfort in the classroom. Not a few who stepped on a broken cable. Actually, this electronic device you want to use as a teaching facility that carries the ICT-based system module. But, it looks like it costs a lot to replace all of them.

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